Review Fleur Nouvelot Volunteer in Ecuador, Quito

Review Fleur Nouvelot Volunteer Ecuador Quito 04

1- How was the local ABV Coordinator/staff and the support provided in-country?
The local staff is amazing. They are really taking good care of me and I know they will be there for what ever I need. I can count on them and it feels good.

2- What was the most surprising thing you experienced?

Name 2 Program: the view from the kidergarten, and the way kids get friendly very quickly.
Host Family: How close the family is.
Country: how the weather change so fast !!!

Review Fleur Nouvelot Volunteer Ecuador Quito 01

3- What was the most challenging thing you experienced?
Program: finding tricks to make the children eat with out having to force feed them.
Host Family: Getting used to the noise all the time.
Country: getting used to the pollution and the crazy driving.

4- Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations)
1. I can't think of anything right now.

5.1 Other things volunteers should know before coming here:(thats not in the orientation guide)
a. I think you say it all in the orientation guide. I wasn't really surprised with anything when a got here.

Review Fleur Nouvelot Volunteer Ecuador Quito 02

6- Personal Paragraph about the experience (ABV Program Testimonial):
I have been here for now 3 weeks and have 5 more to go. Accommodating for me wasn't very difficult. My host family is so nice, they make me feel at home. I leave with another volunteer, Barbara, and we get along very well. The program is a kindergarten where there is kids from 1 to 4 years old. I take care of the 18 to 24 mouth. I love working there. The kids accept you really quickly. Of course it's not easy every day. Lot of them are sick or tired and you have to give your best to make them feel better. But it's really worth it for all the hugs and the smiles they give you.  I'm glad I choose this program !

7- How would you describe your accommodation, meals, security, friendliness, quality others:
Accommodation really easy. Meals are good, my host mother is a good cook. Security is fine, still getting used to being whistled at all the time. I met a few very nice Ecuadorian people and some volunteers like me. I think it could be the beginning of some good friendship.

Review Fleur Nouvelot Volunteer Ecuador Quito 03

8- How was the ABV USA support prior traveling? (who helped you, emails, phone calls, chat online, how fast did you got an answer, did you got all your answers)
Very good support, I talked to Sarah and Lynn. They answered all my questions very fast (2 hours top).

9.1- What do you think about the reservation system online?
Pretty good.

9.2- Who did you find Abroaderview website (keywords, search engine, word mouth to mouth, recommended by .., other)
Friend told me about it.

10 – Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?
Yes of course.

Language Immersion:

* Price in US dollars
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