Review Volunteer Cheri Goodman Belize Orphanage Program

My Favorite Memory:
The sweetness of so many of the children, saying hi, wanting to hi-5 or fist bumps, also loved seeing how engaged our teenagers become with the kids.
I was surprised that….
There was so little fresh food (fruits, vegetables) for the children. The cook told us that if she serves it they won’t eat it. All the food we ate no matter how simple was delicious.
The most difficult thing I experienced was…..
Getting used to the heat and humidity.

My best received lesson…..
What may seem right or smart to us as Americans may not work here. We need to consult and listen and learn from the staff.
Tip for future volunteers…..
Bring work shorts and old t-shirts you don’t mind getting dirty, be prepared to buy and donate things here, once you figure out what is needed for projects.
Personal paragraph (Testimonial):
I am so happy to have spent this time at Liberty Children’s Home. The staff is warm and dedicated and the children are wonderful. I especially enjoyed watching our teenage girls developing such a warm bond with many of the kids.
How would you rate your experience working with the ABV staff, both in the USA and in country?
4.7 out of 5. Te only thing that would have been better is if they had given us more specific about their priorities.
How would you describe your accommodation (ie: host family, on-site, shared housing etc)
Simple but adequate. Enjoyed having wifi available in one of our building.
Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?