Review Volunteer Doralee Smith in Belize Orphanage Program La Europa Group

My Favorite Memory:
Watching and interacting with the children, their laughter is so infectious.
I was surprised that….
How happy the children are. And the entire staff is like a family for the children
The most difficult thing I experienced was…..
The heat and humidity.
My best received lesson…..
Be open to new ideas and experiences, be accepting of cultural differences.

Tip for future volunteers…..
Loose fitting clothes, fund raise and bring as much money as you can so many things are needed.
Personal paragraph (Testimonial):
Working with the program staff and children has been very rewarding. I enjoyed getting so much done. It has been wonderful working with the La Europa staff as well as the local program staff.
How would you rate your experience working with the ABV staff, both in the USA and in country?
Excellent, very positive wonderful, loving people.
How would you describe your accommodation
Spartan, but comfortable enough. I would like to have fruit and more vegetables in our diet. So if you need that buy it from the local store.Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?