Review Volunteer Radha Holdover in Belize Orphanage program

My Favorite Memory:
Doing homework with Obama and another child, I taught him the trick for telling time and he became so motivated and proud to do the homework.
I was surprised that….
We were able to work so hard in the heat and humidity.
The most difficult thing I experienced was…..
Learning I needed to take break – made me cranky until I start seeing the dogs with fleas infections.
My best received lesson…..
Our students and parents really want to help and to work hard and unselfishly.
Tip for future volunteers…..
Bring donation of kid’s underwear, see what’s needed and ask and go shopping for those items. Construction and gardening skills are a plus.

Personal paragraph (Testimonial): Thank you to all the staff for the good hard work you do to provide for these children. Also I was so impressed with Mr. Wafi and Mr. CJ who gave their time and effort to the repair and construction work we did.
How would you rate your experience working with the ABV staff, both in the USA and in country?
How would you describe your accommodation (ie: host family, on-site, shared housing etc)
Great in timber house, I’ve herd it was quiet hot in the other dorm. Food great.
Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?