My favorite memory of the program was this one time after the weekend the kids hadn’t seen us and we showed up to the elementary and all the kids would run up to us calling our names and hugging us because they too were very attached. Also the same case in the clinic seeing all their facial expressions change and the smiles on their faces the second we would walk into that clinic.

1.- Whats was a daily schedule at the program, hours volunteered?
The daily schedule at the program was volunteering in the mornings at the elementary from 8:30am-1:00pm and then at the clinic from 2:30-5:30.
2.- What was the most surprising thing you experienced?
- Host Family: The host family was very loving and understanding and provided everything that was needed for us to feel at home.
- Program: The program was amazing and being able to help the kids was so much more fulfilling then expected and i grew to be attached to many of the children at the school and clinic.
- Country:The country is beautiful and the people very nice and well mannered and it’s a country that i would love to come back and see again some day.
3.- What was the most challenging thing you experienced?
- Host Family: The most challenging thing in the host family was how many volunteers we lived with (8) but it’s not a big deal it was easily adaptable.
- Program: The most challenging thing about the program was having to get up early everyday to volunteer but it was also easily adaptable and well worth it.
- Country: The most challenging part about the country was the cold weather and the need for bottled water.
ABV: high season host families will have full occupancy, programs start very early as breakfast has to be made for the children, the showers have hot water, you just need to know how to use the water system, and water bottles are easily accessible at the supermarket and very cheap.

4.- Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations, money, internet)
Future volunteers should bring warm clothing and pack for longer that they expect to be in Peru. They should also bring enough money to pay for trips, food, and anything they would like to purchase for them or they’re families.
ABV: volunteer need to follow the packing/summary guide that we provide.
5.- Other things volunteers should know before coming here (besides Spanish):
- Host Family: The host family is very nice and caring and should respect everything the host family has to offer.
- Program: The program is a great thing but it requires a lot of hard work and patience especially working with so many little kids and kids with health and mental problems.
- Country: The country is something you must get used to because a lot of people come in with closed minds and you must have an open mind to know that there are things that are different from other societies such as transportation, food, and costs.

6.- Personal Paragraph about the experience (ABV Program Testimonial):
My ABV experience has honestly been one of the most life changing events of my life. i have learned to appreciate another culture and understand the lifestyle of the less fortunate. I am so much more grateful for everything i have now and i love working with kids and making a difference and a change in their lives.
7.- How would you describe your accommodation: meals, security, friendliness, quality others:
- Meals: The meals were amazing Peruvian foods that blow your mind and we always had something to eat that never failed to satisfy.
- Security: The house and area was very secure. We stayed in a very safe area where people are nice and very friendly.
- friendliness: Everyone was very friendly and no one is out to cause problems with anyone.
- Quality: Our accommodations were very good quality we had a room with 4 guys at first and then 3 guys and it was pretty comfortable and relaxed.

8.- How was the local ABV Coordinator/staff and the support provided in-country: Airport, orientation, introduction to the program, schedule of the program, friendliness, solving problems?
Everyone was very understanding and all programs worked towards the benefit of the people and all problems were solved easily with no dilemmas.
9.- Whats was a daily schedule at the program, hours volunteered, activities you did?
Usually we wake up around 7:00am and get ready and have breakfast to get to the elementary at 8:30 am where we would help teachers with the kids and anything they needed while keeping the kids happy and loved. We would leave the elementary at 1:00pm and return to the house to have lunch and rest a bit before going to the clinic at 2:30pm where we would tend to the needs of the children and even some adults with all kinds of problems and keeping them entertained, helping to feed them, brushing their teeth, putting them to bed, and overall just keeping them happy.
10.- What was your favorite memory of this trip?:
- Accommodation: My Favorite memory in the accommodations was becoming friends with everyone in the house and letting it kind of become like a family and going out with everyone to do things together or even staying in home and watching movies and laughing and always having a good time with these amazing people.
- Program: My favorite memory of the program was this one time after the weekend the kids hadn’t seen us and we showed up to the elementary and all the kids would run up to us calling our names and hugging us because they too were very attached. Also the same case in the clinic seeing all their facial expressions change and the smiles on their faces the second we would walk into that clinic.
- Country: My favorite memory of the country would probably be going to Machu Picchu and having to hike 8 miles on the way and 8 miles on the way back with my friends and finally getting up there and seeing the beautiful wonder of the world that just shocks you in an unbelievable way.

11.- How was the ABV USA support prior traveling? Emails, chat online, calls, volunteer guide:
Everything from ABV was very well organized and planned even going through our school program.
12.- What do you think about the reservation system online?
The reservation system was very user-friendly and i was able to reserve very easily.

13.- Who did you find Abroaderview website?
My friend and i decided we wanted to do a mission to help people and he and his mom found the Abroaderview website and told me about it.
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