Volunteer Review Peru

Overall, I absolutely loved my experience in Cusco, Peru.  It was definitely the best way I could have spent my one week of spring break.  Although I volunteered in a medical setting, I would have liked to been included more in working with patients.  That being said, I do feel as though I made a difference in the lives of some – the children.  If asked whether or not I would sign up for this trip all over again, I would absolutely say, “Yes.” - Creighton DeYoung

Volunteer Review Creighton Mission Trip Cusco Peru Pre Medical

Volunteer Review Creighton Mission Trip Cusco Peru Pre Medical

Volunteer Name: Creighton DeYoung Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:

Read more: Volunteer Review Creighton Mission Trip Cusco Peru Pre Medical

Feedback Ana Ruiz Volunteer in Cusco Peru Medical Program

Feedback Ana Ruiz Volunteer in Cusco Peru Medical Program

Volunteer Name: Ana Ruiz (from Spain) Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered

Read more: Feedback Ana Ruiz Volunteer in Cusco Peru Medical Program

Mission Trip Review Peru Cusco Tia Nation Health Care Program

Mission Trip Review Peru Cusco Tia Nation Health Care Program

I loved my time in Cusco.  The first couple of days were challenging as with all new things, but once I got used to it (and the altitude), the

Read more: Mission Trip Review Peru Cusco Tia Nation Health Care Program

Review Mark Rudolph Volunteer in Peru Cusco

Review Mark Rudolph Volunteer in Peru Cusco

Volunteer Review Mark Rudolph in Peru Cusco at the Orphanage Day Care Center

Read more: Review Mark Rudolph Volunteer in Peru Cusco

Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Lola Palladini Orphanage Program

Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Lola Palladini Orphanage Program

I became very close with a young girl at the kindergarten. It was a really wonderful friendship and she would always ask me to play with her. I rea

Read more: Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Lola Palladini Orphanage Program

Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Katherine Seibert Social programs

Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Katherine Seibert Social programs

“No hay dias malos en Peru.” That was my motto here, and it was true ("there are no bad days in Peru"). Each day, even if I felt frustrated wit

Read more: Volunteer in Peru Cusco Review Katherine Seibert Social programs

Volunteer Cusco Peru Feedback Peter Sengelmann Hospital and kinder Program

Volunteer Cusco Peru Feedback Peter Sengelmann Hospital and kinder Program

My favorite memory of the program was this one time after the weekend the kids hadn’t seen us and we showed up to the elementary and all the kids

Read more: Volunteer Cusco Peru Feedback Peter Sengelmann Hospital and kinder Program

Volunteer Review Caleigh Mc Cabe Cusco Peru Orphanage and Healthcare

Volunteer Review Caleigh Mc Cabe Cusco Peru Orphanage and Healthcare

Volunteer Name: Caleigh Mc Cabe 
Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered a

Read more: Volunteer Review Caleigh Mc Cabe Cusco Peru Orphanage and Healthcare

Feedback Kevin Loughlin
 Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Feedback Kevin Loughlin
 Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Volunteer Name: Kevin Loughlin
 Project Location: Cusco, Peru

Read more: Feedback Kevin Loughlin
 Volunteer in Cusco Peru

Review Suzanne Thistle in Peru Cusco

Review Suzanne Thistle in Peru Cusco

Volunteer Review Suzanne Thistle in

Read more: Review Suzanne Thistle in Peru Cusco

Review Ozge Colak Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

Review Ozge Colak Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

Volunteer Name: Ozge Colak (From Turkey)
 Project Location: Cusco, Peru

Read more: Review Ozge Colak Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Lindsay Nash Childcare programs

Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Lindsay Nash Childcare programs

I loved working in the girls orphanage. It was incredibly eye opening and life changing, but also so much fun to get to know the girls and practice

Read more: Volunteer Peru Cusco Review Lindsay Nash Childcare programs

Review Andy Yoo Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

Review Andy Yoo Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

Volunteer Name: Andy Yoo Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:

Read more: Review Andy Yoo Volunteer in Cusco, Peru

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